Now Available for Purchase!
New Croft Basic Zappers & Succor Punches Made by Us
To purchase the Basic, Terminator, or T-Rex Zappers click here to go to Carmen’s website, My Healing Garden.net .
The Terminator and T-Rex Zappers have a green case. The Upgraded ‘Not so Basic’ Croft Basic Zapper has a Turquoise Aqua Case. Carmen ‘just had to’ add a bar of orgonite in it to move some energy around and help you feel better.
The Terminator Zapper
All people suffer from parasites of one type or another during their lifetimes. Parasites are positively charged. Unhealthy tissue is also positively charged. The introduction of weak electric current (via the Zapper) destroys parasites by reversing their polarity. Negative ions are added to encourage diseased tissue to heal — healthy tissue is negatively charged. Parasites cannot defend their positive polarity (shortage of electrons) against the introduction of simple direct current and they die very quickly. Negative ions will repel parasites whether electric current, magnets, or orgone generates the ions. Parasites not only die when subjected to electricity, but also disintegrate and are easily assimilated as harmless nutrients or eliminated.
All zappers evidently destroy the entire range of bacteria, viruses, fungi and worms in the body by vitalizing their environment: blood, lymphatic fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, urine, sweat, mucus, intestinal contents and even inside the eyeball. The Terminator Zapper© is a harmless research device and you are a de facto researcher. If your vitality doesn’t return within two or three days, please consider adding ChemBuster to your daily regimen. We do not guarantee a cure for any medical condition. The information here is for research purposes only.
NOTE: All Terminator and T-Rex Zappers now include Shungite for extra EMF protection!
The T-Rx©(a.k.a. T-Rex) Modified Terminator Zapper
Carol developed a gem/coil configuration for the Terminator that has proven to make the device even more effective for healing and for increasing awareness. She’s calling this modified Terminator, ‘T-Rex’ and will work best if you have already been using a Terminator. Otherwise, our field research has shown that people who have not been prepared to assimilate this new energy may experience discomfort from using the T-Rex and we want our customers to only be pleased with our products, so please consider ordering a Terminator zapper first. This device will not be made available to our distributors. The effects are achieved with 17 specific gems placed on a double helix coil, all of which is visible in the orgonite component. If you want to learn from Carol how gems and other elements can be combined for specific purposes, check out her blogsite. Another good, down to earth resource is CRYSTAL POWER, CRYSTAL HEALING, by Michael Gienger, and available from Amazon.
Current wholesalers, you can contact us through the Contact Form on this website or email CroftZappers@gmail.com, and Carmen or Jenny will get back to you as soon as possible.
We’re currently accepting new wholesalers. If you’re interested in becoming a wholesaler please contact us.
***To Purchase Zappers…
ALL Croft Zappers are being sold through Carmen’s MyHealingGarden.net Zapper page.
(Free shipping in the 50 United States.)
TO BUY a Terminator , a Basic, or T-Rex Zapper … Click on this underlined link and purchase from My Healing Garden .
International Orders… Click on the following underlined link and fill out the ‘Interested in International Shipping Form’ BEFORE ordering. Interested in International Shipping Form HERE
(The link takes you to Carmen’s website www.MyHealingGarden.net)
NOTE: All of the zappers sold on MyHealingGarden.net (Carmen’s website) are brand-new zappers made by us. Sometimes the cases have small scratch marks on them from the assembly process, including the installation of the copper blanks, the zapper circuit, the crystals, etc. The copper blanks used may have scratches or some discoloration - this is NORMAL and nothing to worry about. The orgonite inside might not look perfect, but it is perfectly functioning orgonite. The zapper works without problems. Printed instructions for the Terminator, T-Rex, and Basic Zappers are included with your order.
If you’ve never used a zapper before, start off using it 2-4 hours a day. Drink lots of water. See how your body handles the parasite/virus/bacteria elimination. Increase the time you wear the zapper until you can wear it for 8 hours with no problems.
Your body will be eliminating dead parasites – if you kill too many too fast and your body can’t get rid of them fast enough, you’ll feel sick (like you have the flu).
When your body adjusts, you want to wear the zapper for 8 hours a day (I put it in my sock when I sleep at night or in my bra during the day– move it around when it zaps you – more info on MyHealingGarden.net website) for one month to make sure all the parasites that don’t belong in your body are dead. After finishing the 1 month basic protocol, you can wear your zapper as much as you want, but again, listen to your body.
Remember, drink lots of water and if you feel sick back off and do less time until your body adjusts.
More Zapper information as written by Don Croft:
A zapper is a personal bio-electric device that is worn against the skin to destroy parasites and promote health. It’s powered by a 9-volt battery and operates on 15Hz (frequency). The picture above is an unretouched photo of Intestinal worms, killed by a basic zapper in a few minutes in 1997 during a colonic irrigation after using a zapper. So why should you use a zapper?
The outside of the zapper, with copper circles that transmit the frequency through the skin.
On a regular basis, newspaper headlines include the findings of major medical studies where yet another parasitic virus has been found to cause yet another disease. What is interesting about these findings is that many different people were making these same connections back in the 1950′s. What researchers have discovered, and by very different paths, is that weak electric current eliminates viruses and other parasitic organisms. Once these parasites are eliminated, the body’s healing power can be fully unleashed, restoring vibrant health within an amazingly short period of time. My extensive research (which you can also do) and testimonials indicate that:
All people suffer from parasites of one type or another during their lifetimes.
Parasites are positively charged. Unhealthy tissue is also positively charged.
The introduction of very weak electric current (via the Zapper) perhaps destroys parasites by reversing the polarity of the static field in which they thrive. A flood of free electrons, in this case, encourage diseased tissue to heal — healthy tissue is negatively charged, which is to say that there’s an overabundance of free electrons in and around it.
Parasites cannot defend their positive polarity (deficit of free electrons) against the introduction of simple direct current and they die very quickly when the static field of their environment (blood, lymph, mucus, cerebrospinal fluid, interior of eye, etc.) is negative-charged.
An environment that has an abundance of free electrons will repel parasites whether electric current, magnets, or orgone generate this state.
Parasites not only die when subjected to electricity, but also apparently disintegrate and are easily assimilated as harmless nutrients or eliminated.
Viruses and fungi inside the cells, parasites in cysts and parasites with exoskeletons (like hookworms in the peripheral tissues), may take longer to destroy, but by zapping you may begin to clear the blood and lymphatic fluids, major organ ducts, intestinal and stomach lining, brain and central nervous system of parasites which will give your immune system a tremendous and nearly immediate boost.
When parasites come out of cysts and other protected areas, the surprise they encounter will be quite unpleasant. Parasites that live within cysts and other protective containment will die when their lifespan has ended. Viruses only live three weeks, for instance, and bacteria don’t live much longer so if they’re destroyed before they can replicate one may get rid of the problem in a fairly short time with zapping. All of this is speculation based on simple observation, since nobody has done extended research, yet. Thorough research is costly, so only funded labs do it. We can probably assume that the medical/pharmaceutical cartel arranges the funding for medical research and zappers directly threaten this syndicate.
Zappers are even safe for babies!
All of this refers to the function of the simple zapper circuit, which is built around a 555 integrated circuit, configured in our case to produce 4.5 thousandths of an amp at approximately 15 cycles per second. 4.5 millionths of an amp reach through the skin by the process of simple capacitance and instantly distribute throughout all of the body’s fluids, producing a vital static field in which pathogenic organisms soon die, as the disintegrated worms in the illustration clearly show.
Taking Care of Your Zapper Videos
Quick Video on How to Remove the Battery from the Zappers
Quick Video on How to Clean the Copper Discs on the Zappers
Don and Carol Croft Interviews that have survived on the web or on YouTube, and more current interviews:
Interview with Carmen and Harold about Healing Technologies - Circle of White Light Radio (Feb. 29, 2024)
Interview #334 with Carmen Croitoru (and Harold) about zappers, orgonite, etc. - TMissingLink/Rumble (October 2022)
Interview with Don and Carol on Terminator Zapper History on EnergyHealerSteve.com
Interview with Carol Croft on Health Paradigm (April 3, 2020)
Interview with Carol Croft on The Orgonized Earth (Feb. 15, 2020)
Don Croft | Parasite Zappers | Terminator Zappers | Parasites with Brian Rossiter (October 2016)
Don Croft Explores the Power of Parasite Zappers and Terminator Zappers (October 2016)
Don and Carol Croft Talk with Patrick Timpone One Radio Network (February 2016)
Don and Carol Croft talk about Terminator Zappers, etc. on Extreme Health Radio (Sept. 21, 2012)
Don Croft - Interview 2 - PART1 - Zappers kill Parasites on One Radio Network (May 2010)
Don Croft - Interview 2 - PART2 - Zappers kill Parasites on One Radio Network (May 2010)
Don Croft - Interview - PART3 - about Zappers, Parasites, EMF Protection, Death Towers on One Radio Network (May 2010)
Don Croft - Interview - PART4 - about Zappers, Parasites, EMF Protection, Death Tower on One Radio Network (May 2010)
Don Croft - Interview 2 - PART5 - Zappers kill Parasites on One Radio Network (May 2010)
Don Croft - Interview - PART6 - about Zappers, Parasites, EMF Protection, Death Towers on One Radio Network (May 2010)
Don Croft - Interview - PART7 - about Zappers, Parasites, EMF Protection, Death Towers on One Radio Network (May 2010)
Don and Carol Croft talk with David Wolf (Nov 24, 2009)
Don and Carol Croft Interview Part 1 - 2008
Click For In-Depth Zapper Directions /Instructions as written by Don Croft.
Carol at the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show buying gemstone beads for the zappers and orgonite products she made.
Banner Photograph from Google Images